Free Webinar:
Don't Let This Happen to You: Avoiding Export Compliance Failures
U.S. export regulations are broad and complex. The penalties for violating these regulations can be significant ranging from fines, bans on exporting, and even jail. Don't let that happen to you or your company.
Friday, May 3, beginning at 1:00 pm EDT | 12:00 pm CDT | 11:00 pm MDT | 10:00 am PDT
This webinar provides an overview of the compliance activities that apply to even the smallest exporters and includes real-world examples of companies that have paid the price for noncompliance.
Join Ross Galow, Special Agent, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), and Aaron Tambrini, Acting Special Agent in Charge, Chicago Field Office, Bureau of Industry and Security as they outline your responsibilities as an exporter.
What You'll Learn
- An overview of U.S. export regulations.
- Strategies for complying with these regulations.
- How most violations are reported to BIS.
- What to do if you discover that your company has committed export violations.
Who Should Attend
C-suite executives for U.S. companies or subsidiaries.
Companies seeking to conduct business in the U.S.
Compliance managers.
Account staff.
International sales personnel.
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