Shipping Solutions® Release History: Classic Version

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Changes in 8.20 Update (final release 12/20/2024)
  • Modifies the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction in NCBFAA format to match the current model provided by the National Customs Brokers Association.

  • Modifies the continuation page on the Canada Customs Invoice to match the form provided by the Canadian government.

  • Adds a new Proforma Invoice in landscape format that includes more contact types and the net and gross weights by line item and in total.

  • Updates the DDTC USML Category Codes, BIS License Types, ITAR Exemption codes, and AES Port of Unlading (foreign port) codes.

  • Updates the version of Crystal Reports used to 13.0.32.

  • Adds the User Account that created the shipment to the Shipment Summary screen on the EZ Start tab.

  • Provides the ability to print a list of User Accounts to Excel to help companies with many users manage their User Accounts.

  • Expands the Products Database to include new fields called Last Updated Date and Notes that you can use to help keep track of when product information is updated.

  • Modifies the Packing List dimensions fields to let users enter inches with decimals to allow for better conversion between inches and centimeters and allows users to specify the number of decimal places displayed on the Packing List documents.

  • Adds “Page 1 of x” to the top of the Australia, Colombia and Korea FTAs.


Changes in 8.19.1 Update (final release 6/10/2024)
  • Allows users to set up groups of documents to be used in specific situations like exports to certain countries or customers or for specific types of products. These documents are assigned to a print group, so that users can just choose a group rather than having to remember to select each individual document to print.

  • Enhances the functionality of the software when generating Free Trade Agreement
    Certificates of Origin.
    • Modifies the software to accommodate shipments going to Mexico but stopping at the U.S. border first by allowing the USMCA document to print when both the Exporter and Importer countries are the United States.
    • Modifies the software to check the FTA Importer Country Code first to determine the FTA Certificate of Origin. If that is blank, then the software uses the Ultimate Consignee Country Code to determine the FTA. This  accommodates companies that only use the software for FTA certificates of origin.
    • Modifies the FTA criteria grid on the Products Database to more easily see if any criteria are missing.
  • Adds two new BIS license types for AES filings:
    • C67 - Notified Advanced Computing (NAC) (with notification required)
    • C68 - Notified Advanced Computing (NAC) (NO notification required)
  • Enhances the Preview/Print/Email screen so users can open the Customize Documents screen by right-clicking on the document rather than having to navigate to the Tools tab. The Customize Documents screen allows users to make modifications to the individual export forms, if desired.
  • Modifies the Find or Select Shipments screen, so users can now enlarge the grid that displays all the previous shipments so they can now see all the columns in one view.


Changes in 8.18.2 Update (final release 12/18/2023)
  • Updates the AES filing function in Shipping Solutions to comply with the evolving changes to U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Portal.


Changes in 8.18.1 Update (final release 7/17/2023)
  • Increases the functionality of the software to create Free Trade Agreement Certificates of

    • Updates the existing Free Trade Agreement (FTA) certificates of origin to match current best practices, including showing the origin criteria definitions right on the document.
    • Adds the U.S. - Japan Free Trade Agreement Certificate of Origin.
    • Adds the U.S. - Singapore Free Trade Agreement Certificate of Origin.
    • Modifies the Product Database so users can store FTA information like Origin Criteria, Producer, Country of Origin and Other Criteria for multiple FTAs on every product. This new functionality was added because a product may qualify for more than one FTA.
    • When a product is added to a shipment, the software will add the appropriate FTA information (if there is one) based on the shipment’s country of export and country of
    • Gives users the additional functionality to automatically exclude items that are part of a shipment from an FTA certificate of origin based on whether an item includes the corresponding FTA information on the EZ Start screen. If no FTA fields are filled, then the item will not display on the FTA certificate of origin.
  • Updates the SLI in NCBFAA format to match the changes made by the National Customs Broker and Forwarding Association of America (NCBFAA).

  • Increases the size of the Tax ID field on the Commercial and Proforma invoices to provide room for the European EORI number or the Chinese USCI number.
  • Adds the option to print the user’s company logo on the Generic Certificate of Origin.
  • Adds three new Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) license types to comply with updated regulations.
  • Provides a way to view more than 20 shipments on the Find screen without having to view all the shipments, which could slow functionality.
  • Adds the invoice number to all Commercial Invoice continuation pages.
  • Modifies the Database Update function so it only runs the scripts needed for the user’s specific database.


Changes in 8.17.1 Update (final release 12/9/2021)
  • Adds the ability to assign default values to certain fields when creating new shipments. For example, users can set the Exporter name and address, phrases, Incoterms and more, so that you don't need to enter this information on each new shipment.

  • Adds a new version of the Packing List that includes gross and net weights by line item.


Changes in 8.17 Update (final release 10/4/2021)
  • Adds the ability to assign default values to certain fields when creating new shipments. For example, users can set the Exporter name and address, phrases, Incoterms and more, so that you don't need to enter this information on each new shipment.

  • Adds a new version of the Packing List that includes gross and net weights by line item.

  • Enhances the Generic Certificate of Origin to provide the option to show additional information for each product line item, including quantity, product ID, marks & numbers, and type of packages.

  • Enhances the Generate Reports screen to allow you to run reports based on the proforma invoice date or EEI date in addition to the current option of the commercial invoice date.

  • Enhances the USMCA Certification of Origin to allow you to add your company's logo to the form.

  • Adds the ability to copy products in the Product Database for speedier data entry.

  • Enhances the ability to delete shipments by selection more than one shipment at a time.

  • Enhances the Add Contacts from Database button to allow you to search for a contact by account number, tax ID, city, state or zip code.

  • Provides the ability to disable the Add Product to Database button to safeguard database changes.

  • Updates the list of license types as required for EEI filings through AESDirect.

  • Adds a search button to the User Accounts screen on the Admin tab to make it easier to find a particular user.

  • Adds the option to not carry Sales Quantity down to the AES Quantity 1 box.

  • Fixes the Reorder Line Items button on the EZ Start - Product Detail screen so newly added items appear at the end of the list.

  • Updates the version of Crystal Reports used by Shipping Solutions, so the software is compatible with all versions of Crystal Reports.


Changes in 8.16.1 Update (final release 8/12/2020)
  • Updates the USMCA Certification of Origin forms based on changes and clarifications made by the U.S. International Trade Administration including adding phone numbers to the various contact fields and updating the name of the English-language version of the forms. Also removes the Invoice Number box from certificates that include more than one shipment, and adds the Product ID to the Product Description field for the individual line items.

  • Fixes the Electronic Certificate of Origin (eCO) upload to the chamber of commerce for certification, which did not work for some users after upgrading to version 9.16.

  • Fixes the Append Phrases feature.


Changes in 8.16 Update
  • Adds four new Certificates of Origin for the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

  • Adds minor updates and fixes.


Changes in 8.15 Update
  • Adds the Incoterms® 2020 Rules.

  • Fixes minor issues with version 8.14.

Changes in 8.14 Update
  • Adds an electronic certificate of origin form that can be chamberized by the American World Trade Chamber of Commerce directly from the software.

  • Adds a U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Certificate of Origin.

  • Adds a U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Certificate of Origin.

  • Adds a new Commercial Invoice in landscape format that includes more contact types and the net and gross weights by line item and in total.

  • Adds an option to display or not display the Schedule B codes on the Commercial and Proforma Invoices.

  • Adds the option to pull the gross and net weights from the EZ Start-Product Detail screen to the EZ Start-Packing List screen so that those weights are automatically calculated.

  • Adds the option for automatic invoice numbering where you can set the first invoice number, and Shipping Solutions will auto-increment the invoice number with each new shipment.

  • Adds a button on the EZ Start-Contacts screen so you can add a contact to the Database directly from the EZ Start screen.

  • Allows the field labels on the Inland Bill of Lading to be edited.

  • Adds phone numbers and email addresses to contact boxes where it was missing.

  • Allows you to control how many documents you can combine into one pdf rather than setting it at five.

  • Updates AESDirect codes including Units of Measure, Country Codes, and DDTC Exemption Numbers.

Changes in 8.13 Update
  • Adds a Commercial Invoice for Exports to Israel based on the example provided by the Joint Committee of the Free Trade Agreement.

  • Includes the new Consolidated Destination Control Statement.

  • Allows you to choose more than one phrase from the Phrases Database for the Special Instructions and Phrase fields on the various export forms. This feature is controlled on the EZ Start tab by clicking the Settings button.

  • Adds option to append the ECCN code to the Product Description on the Commercial Invoices. This feature is controlled on the Tools tab, Customize Documents screen.

  • Adds option to append the Country of Origin to the Product Description on the CAFTA-DR Certificate of Origin. This feature is controlled on the Tools tab, Customize Documents screen.

  • Modifies the AES submission to include InBond Type and Sold en Route fields.

  • Allows apostrophes in the address fields on the Shipping Labels.

  • Allows you to choose even more export data fields when you create a custom Excel report on the software’s Generate Reports screen.

  • Fixes the logic Shipping Solutions uses when combining line items on the SLI in SED format and SLI in NCBFAA format.

  • Fixes the Packing List screen on EZ Start so that weights in kilograms update correctly.

  • Adds signature overrides to the SLI and Air Waybill EZ Start screens.

  • Includes a new installation process that better manages user permissions.

  • Changes Shipping Solutions start-up icon to a blue ball.

Changes in 8.12 Update
  • Updates NAFTA Certificate of Origin to display the current expiration date of April 30, 2020 as provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

  • Improves the Import Product & Contacts feature so that if you exported your data out of Shipping Solutions it can easily be imported back in without having to map the data.

  • Improves the Export Product & Contacts feature so that you can export right to Excel and it can accommodate carriage returns in the data.

  • Allows for three–character state codes to accommodate countries like Australia.

  • Allows either kilograms or pounds to be entered as gross weight and net weight on the Product Detail and Packing List screens.

  • Automatically enters the exemption code when a license type is entered that requires the code for AESDirect filing.

  • Adds contact names and phone numbers and box numbers to the Shipping Labels found on the Utilities tab.

  • Makes the Find and Select Shipment screens "sticky" so that if you search for a shipment based on criteria, that criteria will remain until it is reset or the program closed.

  • Adds the ITN number or exemption number for AESDirect filing to the Inland Bill of Lading.

Changes in 8.11 Update
  • Adds the ability to capture the ITN when filing through AESDirect and copy it to the EZ Start–EEI screen in Shipping Solutions.

  • Adds the ability to store your ACE User Name and password on the Admin tab, Profile Settings screen so that you don’t have to enter it every time.

  • Adds the new destination control statement to be used for EAR– and ITAR–controlled products beginning November 15, 2016 to the Phrases Database.

  • Adds Kind of Packages and Marks & Numbers to Box 12 on the Canada Customs Invoice. Also adds the option to add the Country of Origin to Box 12. To turn the Country of Origin on and off, go to Tools tab, Customize Documents screen and choose Canada Customs Invoice.

  • Fixes the calculation of pounds to kilograms on Packing List and allows for manual entry of the Total Cubic Feet and Total Cubic Meters. Also fixes a printing issue that was causing the Packing List to print double–sided even when the printer was not configured for duplex printing.

  • Fixes the SLI in SED format so that if a VIN number is entered for an item on the EZ Start–Product Detail screen it prints only for that line item.

  • Adds the Ultimate Consignee Account Number to the reports on the Utilities–Generate Reports screen.

  • Allows the 3–character country code on the Databases–Countries screen to be edited.

  • Fixes the Copy shipment function so the Filing Option on the EZ Start–EEI screen is now copied as well.

  • Enlarges the Packing List package description field to allow more data.

  • Adds a signature override to the NAFTA/Other FTA screen so that you can override the default signature on the Australia, CAFTA, Chile, Columbia, Korea and NAFTA Certificates of Origin.

  • Fixes the Package Types database so that it doesn’t cause an error when opening the EZ Start–Packing List screen.

Changes in 8.10 Update
  • Shipping Solutions is now compatible with CBP’s Automated Customs Environment (ACE) for AESDirect filings. All AES filers are required to begin filing through the ACE platform no later than April 29, 2016.

  • Enhances the Packing List to allow up to 5 digits on the Total Cubic Feet, Total Cubic Meters, Net Weight, and Gross Weight fields. The number of digits can be selected on the Tools–Customize Documents screen.

  • Adds the ability to store commonly used box dimensions for use on the Packing List. Enter your box dimensions on the Databases–Package Type screen, and they will appear in a drop–down list on the Packing List.

  • Adds a way to search the line items on the Packing List–Load Container screen to make it easier to locate a product for the Packing List if there are a lot of line items in a shipment.

  • Allows users to enter more information in the Means of Transport box on the Israeli Certificate of Origin.

  • Enhances the Reorder Line Items button on the EZ Start–Product Details screen to make it easier to reorder your line items.

  • Enhances the Search Line Items button the on the EZ Start–Product Details screen to make it easier to filter the line items in your shipment.

  • Improves the CARICOM Invoice so that the Title of the signatory now pulls through on the signature line, the CARICOM Certificate Number is pulled through to the document, and the date is pulled in correctly.

  • Adds the new modified Destination Control Statement to the Phrases Database. This new statement matches revisions to the EAR and ITAR requiring a common statement to be used for shipment of items that fall under either set of regulations.

  • Fixes the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction in SED format and the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction in NCBFAA format so the gridlines print correctly when the forms require more than one page to print.

Changes in 8.09 Update
  • Allows users to add new products to the Product Database if they’ve already entered the new product information on the Product Detail screen on EZ Start.

  • Adds the option to show country codes as either two or three digit codes or as the full country name on the invoices and packing list.

  • Sets the AES Filing Option to Pre-departure by default on the EZ Start–EEI Electronic Export Information (AES) screen.

  • Adds the Packing List to the list of export forms on which users can choose to hide specific products. This option is available at the top of the Product Detail screen.

  • Fixes the signature override so that if you override a signature on one User Account, the override is still there when you login from a second User Account.

  • Adds a title and printed name field to the Signatures & Logos screen so that if you override a signature it will pull the correct title and printed name on the invoices, SLIs and Generic Certificate of Origin.

  • Increases the size of the field for the Incoterms location on the Commercial and Proforma invoices.

  • Fixes the CAFTA–DR Certificate of Origin so that the word CAFTA shows up in Box 7.

  • Renames the quantity and unit of measure boxes on the Product Detail screen to provide greater clarity.

  • Fixes the SLI in NCBFAA format so that the statements at the bottom don’t run outside their boxes.

  • Fixes the Display Product On check boxes on the EZ Start–Product Detail screen so they work correctly on the consolidated versions of the documents.

  • Correctly adds the FAS Value to the line item value for AES filings when there is DDTC information entered.

  • Adds volume conversions to the Conversion Calculator on the Utilities tab.

Changes in 8.08 Update
  • Updates the NAFTA Certificate of Origin (English) form to include the new 10-31-2016 expiration date and adds the email addresses for the exporter, importer, producer, and certifier.

  • Expands the reporting function available within the software by allowing users to custom create Excel spreadsheet reports by identifying the specific data fields they wish to include, the order in which the fields appear, and the date range of the shipments that are included in the report.

  • Gives users the ability to add less commonly used contact types to the Contacts screen in EZ Start rather than requiring them to enter that information on the specific export form screens in EZ Start.

  • Adds the Invoice Date field to the Canada Customs Invoice and Shipper’s Letter of Instruction screens in EZ Start so users don’t have to go to the Invoices – Proforma/Commercial screen just to enter an invoice date.

  • Modifies the Packing List form by making the contact fields larger so the address fields don’t wrap to a second line.

  • Modifies the SLI in NCBFAA format so additional information appears on the form: Shipment Reference Number from the EEI–Electronic Export Information (AES) screen; Transportation Reference Number from either the Ocean Bill of Lading or Air Waybill screen, depending on which Mode of Transport is selected for a particular shipment record; and the AES ITN Code or Exemption Statement from the EEI–Electronic Export Information (AES) screen.

  • Fixes the Electronic Export Information submission to AES so that the item Gross Weight is converted from pounds to kilograms as required by AES.

  • Prevents users from modifying the Gross Weight and Net Weight fields on the Product Detail screen in EZ Start if a user has already loaded that product into a container on the Packing List screen. This eliminates the possibility that the weight appears incorrectly on the Packing List form.

  • Fixes the email option on the Preview/Print/Email Documents EZ Start toolbar option where the email address for a particular contact did not appear in the drop-down list in certain, limited circumstances.

  • Adds four new Export License Types to the License Types Database for use when filing through AES. These new codes are C62 – Support for the Cuban People (SCP), VCD – Commerce Department Voluntary Self-Disclosure, VDS – State Department Voluntary Disclosure, and VDO – Other Partner Government Agency Voluntary Disclosures.

  • Modifies the Carriers and Ports screen in EZ Start to prevent users from typing more characters into the various carrier and port fields than is allowed by AES.

  • Fixes the Commercial Invoice customization option available on the Tools tab so that the currency code doesn’t appear on the Commercial Invoice form if a user chooses to hide the currency symbol from the form.

  • Fixes the Mode of Transport drop-down menu on the Carriers and Ports screen in EZ Start to allow users to deselect a choice.

  • Makes some small layout changes to the Shipping Solutions user interface to improve usability and fixes a variety of other small bugs identified within the software since the last software update.

Changes in 8.07 Update
  • Adds a new Shipper’s Letter of Instruction in the new format recommended by the National Customs Broker & Freight Forwarders Association of America (NCBFAA). This new form includes the data fields required by a third-party agent to file through the Automated Export System (AES) on behalf of the shipper.

  • Modifies the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction in the old SED format to include the new data fields required by AES: Ultimate Consignee Type, License Value, and whether or not this is a Pre-Departure or Post-Departure filing.

  • For AES filings, improves the pre-submission check to provide a more complete list of data fields that are required by AES but are not currently included in the shipment record being submitted.

  • Improves the performance of the various databases in the program for users with very large lists of products and/or customers.

  • Fixes the Contacts Databases to allow users to store contacts that include double quote symbols (") in their data and have those contacts appear on their export documents when selected.

  • Gives users the ability to customize the Free Trade Agreement forms to choose whether or not the Commercial Invoice Special Instructions are included on the specific FTA form.

  • Fixes the Bank Draft and Bank Draft – Letter of Credit forms so that the Drawer field prints on the documents.

  • Improves the speed of the Conversion Utility when importing data from previous versions of Shipping Solutions.

Changes in 8.06 Update
  • Adds three new data fields required by the Automated Export System (AES) beginning April 15, 2014.

  • Adds the ability to change the order in which the product line items print on the various invoice forms. These items can now be rearranged on the Product Detail screen of the EZ Start tab.

  • Gives users the ability to hide any export forms on the Preview/Print/Email window that they don't use, so that a shorter list of forms will appear in this window.

  • Updates the U.S. – Columbia Free Trade Agreement Certificate of Origin form.

  • On the Commercial and Proforma invoice forms, give users the ability to display the tax ID number for the exporter and the ultimate consignee.

  • Adds vertical lines between columns in the entire product area of the NAFTA Certificate of Origin form regardless of how many products are printing on the form.

  • On the Shipper's Letter of Instruction forms, give users the ability to hide the power of attorney statement located at the bottom of the form.

  • Allows users to include additional email addresses in the AES submissions so that these additional addresses receive the AES confirmation email.

  • Adds the ability to customize the field labels on the Ocean Bill of Lading forms, the Shipper's Letter of Instruction forms, and the Master Waybill form.

  • Fixes a bug in the data submitted to AES, which required users to reenter certain data elements on the AESDirect website for certain types of exports.

  • Adds a new database to the Database tab for storing container types for the inland bill of lading form.

  • Adds more user–friendly error messages when users don't have rights to perform certain functions within the Shipping Solutions software.

  • Adds the ability to use keyboard shortcut keys for certain common program functions like Save, Cut and Paste.

Changes in 8.05 Update
  • Updated the web address for filing Electronic Export Information (EEI) through the Automated Export System (AES) as required by the U.S. Census Bureau. The Census Bureau has announced that this change must take place by September 4, 2013.

  • Added additional AES license codes as required by the U.S. Census Bureau, which become effective on October 15, 2013.

  • Added a Bank Draft Letter of Credit (L/C) form.

  • Added additional date formats for the NAFTA Certificate of Origin forms.

  • Fixed the Preference Criteria field selections for the U.S. – Australia Certificate of Origin form.

  • Added more room for Special Instructions to appear on the Generic Certificate of Origin form.

  • Added more room for a Container Description on the Packing List form.

  • Added a Copy Contact button to the various contacts databases so users can copy a specific contact record to more than one contact database.

Changes in 8.04 Update
  • Added the U.S. – Colombia Free Trade Agreement Certificate of Origin form.

  • Added the U.S. – Korea Free Trade Agreement Certificate of Origin form.

  • Added the Preference Criteria, Producer and Country of Origin options for the newest Free Trade Agreement Certificate of Origin forms so they are available on the Product Detail screen in EZ Start and on the Product Database.

  • Added the ability to choose whether or not to combine line items with the same Schedule B number on the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction in SED format. This new feature appears on the Customize Documents screen for this form on the Tools tab.

  • Added the ability to choose to display either the Ultimate Consignee or the Intermediate Consignee entered on the Contacts screen on the EZ Start tab as the Consignee on the Ocean Bill of Lading form.

  • Added a new Shipments by Product report to the Generate Reports screen on the Utilities tab.

  • Added the Country Code field to the shipment grid when searching for previous shipments.

  • Added the ExWorks value of a shipment to the Invoices screen on the EZ Start tab.

  • Extended the number of characters that will print in the Product Description field on the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction in SED format.

  • Added the ability to enter decimal places in the quantity field when packing a package/container on the Packing List screen.

  • Updated the NAFTA Certificate of Origin form to match the latest version published by Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

  • Fixed the Schedule B field on the Product Detail screen in EZ Start tab and on the Product Database screen so extra decimal places don’t appear in certain unusual circumstances.

  • Fixed the search function on the Add Products from Database window on the Product Detail screen on the EZ Start tab so that the “Starts With” match option works properly.

  • Fixed the U.S. – Israel Free Trade Agreement Certificate of Origin so the date is formatted correctly, the quantity and units of measure are displayed for all line items, and users have the ability to remove data that they entered into the Number of Packages field.

  • Fixed the Bank Draft form so that users can enter bank draft information on a shipment that was imported from a previous version of the Shipping Solutions software or on a new shipment that was created by copying a shipment record that was imported from a previous version.

  • Fixed the program to allow shipment numbers greater than 32,767.

Changes in 8.03 Update
  • Added a new option for submitting shipment records to the Automated Export System (AES) through a user’s default web browser instead of the Shipping Solutions browser. This new option is required after a Microsoft security update modified the Shipping Solutions browser for some users so that it no longer accepts website cookies, which is required by AES as part of its login process. This new option appears at the top of the Submit Shipment to AES screen which opens when you click on the AES button on the Shipping Solutions toolbar.

  • Added the FAA Security Endorsement form to the software.

  • On the multi-user version of the software, added the ability to create individual user accounts on the Admin tab that allows you to assign user names and passwords for each user and assign an individual profile with an email address for AES filings and a scanned signature and company logo that can automatically print on certain export forms.

  • Modified the Conversion Utility that imports data from Shipping Solutions Classic version 6.x into Shipping Solutions Classic version 8.x so that it runs much faster on very large databases.

  • Modified the way products are added to the Product Detail screen when users select multiple products at one time from the Product Database. The products will now be added in the order in which they were selected in the database.

  • Fixed the Net Weight field on the Product Detail screen so that it no longer rounds the weight to whole numbers even if decimal places were stored for the Net Weight in the Product Database.

  • Fixed the way the software calculates the total gross and net weights on the Product Detail screen if a user changes the quantity of an item.

  • Fixed the Product Detail screen so that new products added to a modified shipment record appear at the bottom of the list of products.

  • Fixed the Canada Customs Invoice so that products can be kept off this form by unchecking the Invoices box rather than the NAFTA/FTA box on the Product Detail screen.

  • Fixed the General Description of Goods field on the Caricom Invoice screen to limit the maximum field length to 50 characters.

  • Fixed the Packing List screen so that Special Instructions are now saved along with the rest of the information.

  • Fixed the Packing List screen so that a signature selected from the drop-down list is saved and appears on the Packing List form.

  • Fixed the date format at the bottom of the Korea FTA Certificate of Origin.

  • Added the option to change the date format for the blanket dates on the various free trade agreement Certificate of Origin forms.

  • Modified the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (in SED format) so that items not selected to be included with AES filings are also not included on this form.

  • Fixed the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (in SED format) form so it prints the special instructions entered into the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction screen rather than the Invoices screen.

  • Fixed the Freight Charges field on the Inland Bill of Lading so it prints the correct option.

  • Fixed the customization screen for the Packing List so that the changes are applied correctly on the Packing List form.

  • Modified the customization screen for the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (in SED format) to allow users to change the title on the form.

  • Removes deleted signatures from the list of choices that appear in various drop-down menus on several different EZ Start screens.

  • Fixed the Print Shipping Labels option on the Utilities Tab to correctly print labels that include apostrophes in names and addresses.

  • Fixed the delete button on the User Accounts screen on the Admin tab so multi-user versions of the software can remove old users.

  • Fixed the login function on the multi-user version to require user names and password to be case sensitive.

Changes in 8.02 Update
  • The software now asks users whether or not they want to save changes they made to the Product Detail screen on the EZ Start Tab before they add another product from the database. This will prevent users from inadvertently deleting a product they have added to the Product Detail screen if they did not remember to click on the Save button.

  • Updated the Product Detail screen on the EZ Start Tab so that users are reminded if any products they are trying to delete from a shipment have been included in any packages on the Packing List screen. Users will have to unpack a line item before they can delete them from the Product Detail screen.

  • Fixed the order in which products are added to the Product Detail screen on the EZ Start Tab.

  • The Country of Origin field on the Commercial Invoice, Proforma Invoice and Certificate of Origin (generic) was fixed. The country of origin for products did not always display on these forms. This information was missing from products and/or shipments that were converted from version 6.x of the software. Users can now run a quick update program (Update Country Names) on the Product Database screen to restore the missing data.

  • Fixed the Proforma Invoice so the correct date now prints on the form.

  • Fixed the NAFTA Certificate of Origin and the Shipper's Letter of Instruction (with Product Detail) so that products not selected to appear on those forms no longer print on those forms.

  • Fixed the Product Database so that the NAFTA Preference Criteria, Producer and Country of Origin are properly saved in the database.

  • Fixed the logo and signature option so that deleted logos and signatures no longer appear as a menu choice.

  • The display signature option was fixed on the Certificate of Origin (Generic) form. Previously the signature was removed if the user customized the form to hide the Sworn By Statement and/or the Signature Line.

  • The export document customizations are now saved by user on the Multi-User version of the software.


Changes in 8.01 Update

  • Fixed the Print to PDF option on the Preview/Print/Email screen to allow users to add multiple items to a single PDF file.

  • Fixed a problem with the software registration.

  • Made several small changes to a variety of screen and field labels to make them consistent with the Shipping Solutions EZ Start Tab.

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