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Packing List Sample

Download this sample of a packing list so you can see how to fill it out.

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About Packing Lists

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Packing lists come in various formats, all with the same basic functions:

  • To confirm the contents of a shipment as it left the exporter's premises.
  • To indicate weights, measures and the piece count (i.e., the number of cartons or cases) in that shipment.

Packing lists are not required by the customs laws of every country, but they can be crucial to the successful completion of your exporting process.

A good packing list provides fairly detailed information.

It should include:

  • A product description.
  • A reference to the relevant commercial invoice number and/or item number.
  • The type of package(s) (e.g., a box, a carton, vials, etc.).
  • The net and gross weights of each package stated in pounds or tons and converted into a metric equivalent, except where the buyer or government regulations require otherwise.
  • The legal measurements expressed in inches and cubic feet and converted into a metric equivalent, except where the buyer or government regulations require otherwise.
  • Package markings.
  • Buyer and seller references.

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