Free Webinar:

Incoterms 2020 In Practice

How to apply the current set of Incoterms 2020 rules to your exporting and importing.

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Wednesday, April 16, beginning at 1:00 pm EDT | 12:00 pm CDT | 11:00 am MDT | 10:00 am PDT

Robert Imbriani

You may already know the definitions of the 11 Incoterms 2020 rules, but do you know when to use them? This 80-minute webinar not only gives you an understanding of the definitions, it gives you actual examples of how to use each of the international commercial terms to your advantage in your purchase orders, sales agreements, and letters of credit.

As a seller, do you know which terms you should use if your shipment requires an export license and/or relies on a letter of credit to get paid? As a buyer, do you understand when to use certain terms based on the origin of the goods and other important considerations?

Make sure you're using the right Incoterms 2020 rule at the right time. Join Robert P. Imbriani to learn answers to these and other important questions. It could save you a lot of headaches!

What You’ll Learn

  • Background of Incoterms rules.

  • Relationship between Incoterms and payment terms.

  • What's new with Incoterms 2020.

  • Whether you can still use Incoterms 2010 (or even earlier sets of terms).

  • Responsibilities of each term.

  • Application of the various terms in international transactions.

Who Should Attend

  • International trade professionals.

  • Purchasing agents.

  • International sales teams.

  • International contracts personnel.

  • Logistics and transportation personnel.

  • International finance personnel.

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