Free Webinar:
Filing Your Electronic Export Information through AES
Experts Robert P. Imbriani and Lisa Nemer demonstrate the proper way to submit your Electronic Export Information (EEI) to the Automated Export System (AES) on the Automated Customs Environment (ACE) portal.
Friday, June 20, beginning at 1:00 pm EDT | 12:00 pm CDT | 11:00 am MDT | 10:00 am PDT
The vast majority of exports from the United States require exporters to file their EEI through the Automated Export System (AES), located on the ACE portal. Failing to file or filing incorrect information can mean significant fines and penalties.
Even in routed export transactions where the foreign principal party in interest is responsible for ensuring the EEI gets filed, exporters are required to provide 10 important data elements so the proper information gets submitted. Join us for a one-hour webinar to learn more about what’s required of you.
What You’ll Learn
- The requirements for filing on the ACE platform.
- Recent AES changes that will affect your filing.
- Who is responsible for filing.
- When you need to file.
- The proper data elements you need to file.
- Changes made to filings.
- How to correct a filing.
- How to file when an export license, exemption or exception is used.
- What steps to take if a freight forwarder files on your behalf.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone in your company who is responsible for filing.
- Anyone who coordinates with a freight forwarder who files on your behalf or on behalf of the buyer.