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Dock Receipt

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What is a Dock Receipt?


The dock receipt is designed to provide the exporter with proof of delivery of the cargo to the international carrier in good condition. The inland carrier may deliver the goods to a warehouse company or a warehouse operated by the carrier as arranged by the freight forwarder.

The dock receipt is often prepared by the exporter or the freight forwarder and is signed by the warehouse worker or agent for the carrier upon receipt of the goods. The dock receipt either accompanies the cargo when it is delivered to the pier or is emailed or faxed to the stevedore at the pier receiving the cargo.

Once the goods are delivered and signed for, the inland carrier provides the dock receipt to the freight forwarder as evidence it has successfully completed delivery of the goods. This is important in case the goods are lost or damaged after delivery to the dock and before arriving at their international destination.

A dock receipt should include:

  • The name and contact information for the exporter, the ultimate consignee, forwarding agent and the notify parties.
  • The place, date and time of the inland delivery of the goods.
  • Vessel, booking and loading instructions for the international carriage of the goods.
  • A description of the goods including their weights and dimensions, the number and kinds of packages, any marks and numbers on those packages, and whether any of the goods are hazardous.
  • Any special instructions for the shipment.

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Dock Receipt FAQs

  • What is a dock receipt?

    A dock receipt is a document issued by a carrier or their agent to acknowledge the receipt of goods at a specific location, such as a dock or terminal. It serves as temporary evidence of the cargo being received before it is loaded onto a vessel or other means of transportation. The dock receipt contains information about the goods, the shipping parties, and the location where the cargo was received.

  • What is a dock receipt number?

    A dock receipt number is a unique identifier assigned to a specific dock receipt. It helps track and reference the receipt throughout the transportation process. The number is typically generated by the carrier or their agent and is used for documentation and reference purposes.

  • Is a dock receipt the same as a bill of lading?

    No, these documents serve different purposes and are used at different stages of the shipment. A dock receipt is issued at the initial point of receipt, typically at a dock or terminal, to acknowledge the cargo being received. A bill of lading is issued after the goods are loaded onto the vessel or other means of transportation. The bill of lading serves as a contract of carriage, a receipt of the goods and a document of title, representing the agreement between the shipper and the carrier for the transportation of the goods to their destination.

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