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Canada Customs Invoice (CCI) Sample

Download this sample of the Canada Customs Invoice so you can see how to fill it out.

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About the Canada Customs Invoice


Canada-Customs-Invoice-Combined-ShippingSolutions_page-0001Exporters choose to send their goods to Canada because it’s fairly simple—there’s no significant distance or language barrier, and shipments to Canada don’t require an EEI (except in cases where an export license is required). However, because it is still an export, some additional documentation is required—most often, the Canada Customs Invoice.

It is required for U.S. exports to Canada in the following situations:

  • The commercial shipment is valued at over $2,500 CAD.
  • The shipment is not classified under HTUSA Chapter 9810.
  • The shipment is subject to duties and sales taxes.

The Canada Customs Invoice must also document if transportation and insurance charges, export packing, and charges for construction or assembly in Canada are included in the selling price. Canada Customs is also very interested in whether or not commission or royalty payments are involved.

Reduce the time it takes to complete the Canada Customs Invoice and your other export forms by up to 80%. Shipping Solutions export documentation software makes it easy to create more than two dozen standard export forms. Register now for a free demo. There's absolutely no obligation.

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