On: April 4, 2016 By: Roy Becker
Soybeans Sold on Letter of Credit Go Bad: Who's at Fault?
An exporter shipped $6.8 million in soybeans to a buyer in the Middle East using a standby letter of credit, but the load turned bad. Who's at fault?
On: April 4, 2016 By: Roy Becker
An exporter shipped $6.8 million in soybeans to a buyer in the Middle East using a standby letter of credit, but the load turned bad. Who's at fault?
On: March 9, 2016 By: David Noah
Five things you need to do right now to prepare for the AESDirect move to the ACE platform.
On: February 29, 2016 By: Roy Becker
For many exporters, freight forwarders can be invaluable partners to move goods around the world. But always vet your forwarder first for trustworthiness.
On: January 27, 2016 By: David Noah
Whether you’re just getting started or a seasoned exporter, it’s important to consider your exporting strategy. Without a plan in place, you're just shooting from the hip rather than following a well thought out series of activities that dramatically increase your likelihood of success.
On: January 18, 2016 By: Joseph A. Robinson
As an exporter, you need to understand Incoterms 2020 from Ex Works (EXW) to Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) and everything in between. Here's a basic overview of what Incoterms are, when they are used, and how they are used.
On: December 14, 2015 By: David Noah
This infographic illustrates how a letter of credit is used in exporting & importing to ensure the seller gets paid and the buyer receives the goods.
On: December 2, 2015 By: David Noah
Staff from U.S. Commercial Service offices share their most important piece of advice for new exporters.
On: November 30, 2015 By: Roy Becker
Here's how a U.S. oil company used a letter of credit to recover millions in losses when an oil processing plant was nationalized in Venezuela.
On: October 26, 2015 By: Chris Lidberg
While back-to-back letters of credit protect the middleman in an export transaction, banks are wary of this arrangement because it puts them at risk.
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