On: August 24, 2020     By: Catherine J. Petersen

Schedule B Codes: 6 vs. 10 Digits

While Schedule B codes used for U.S. exports are 10-digits long, only the first six digits are the same as in the country of import. Each country is allowed to add up to four additional digits to further delineate the product. So how many digits do I include on my commercial invoice?

On: August 3, 2020     By: Roy Becker

How Will I Get Paid for My Export?

When negotiating an international sale, one of the first questions you need to answer is: How will I get paid? In order to answer that question, you'll need to answer several more: When will I get paid—before or after delivery? What kind of guarantee do I get? In what currency will I be paid?

On: January 13, 2020     By: Arnesh Roy

Foreign Trade Zones: Advantages for Importers and Exporters

A Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) is a designated areas within the United States that is legally outside of the customs territory of the United States. Goods that reside within an established FTZ haven’t yet cleared customs allowing companies to save money and make their products more competitive.


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