On: February 17, 2020     By: Catherine J. Petersen

Defining and Using a Manufacturer’s Affidavit

A Manufacturer’s Affidavit may be required for your exports and imports. For exports, it may be used in lieu of a certificate of origin or to satisfy a letter of credit. For imports, it may help verify goods being returned are of US-origin, have not been altered, and are duty-free.

On: January 13, 2020     By: Arnesh Roy

Foreign Trade Zones: Advantages for Importers and Exporters

A Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) is a designated areas within the United States that is legally outside of the customs territory of the United States. Goods that reside within an established FTZ haven’t yet cleared customs allowing companies to save money and make their products more competitive.

On: October 9, 2019     By: David Noah

Incoterms 2020: Here's What's New

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released the new Incoterms 2020 rules that identify the responsibilities of buyers and sellers for the delivery of goods in international trade. The terms also identify when the risk for those goods transfer from the seller to the buyer.

On: June 5, 2019     By: David Noah

How Exporters Can Identify Import Country Requirements

Getting your goods through customs can be difficult if you don't know a country's import requirements. Requirements extend to shipping (hazmat, dangerous goods, routing, etc.), customs, and beyond. So how do you identify import country requirements for nearly 200 countries around the world?

On: March 4, 2019     By: Catherine J. Petersen

Wood Packaging Certificates for Export and Import

Keeping out the bugs has become the worldwide mantra for exporters and importers. There are more than 85 countries that have adopted the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM 15) regulation for wood packaging since its inception in 2001. Here's how to comply.

On: February 25, 2019     By: Hank Selby

Everything Has a Value—to U.S. Customs

U.S. Customs and Border Protection requires that you declare the dutiable value of the goods for all your imports. However, the invoice does not always reflect this. Here are costs you may need to add or substract.

On: November 26, 2018     By: Catherine J. Petersen

Tools for Classifying Your Products for Export and Import

In order to correctly import or export your products, you need to properly classify your goods.There are some great tools for you to use to help determine the correct classification. These will help you make decisions based on the General Rules of Interpretation of the Schedule B codes.


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