Unfortunately for many small and medium-sized businesses, company personnel may not understand requirements until it's too late.
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), fines for export violations can reach up to $1 million per violation in criminal cases, while administrative cases can result in a penalty amounting to the greater of $300,000 or twice the value of the transaction, whichever is higher. In addition, criminal violators may be sentenced to prison for up to 20 years, and administrative penalties may include denial of export privileges.
Penalties of this size and nature can be especially devastating to small and medium-sized businesses, which represent 97% of the approximately 280,000 U.S. companies that export, according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics. Small and medium-sized businesses may think they lack the time or money to train personnel in export regulations and the necessity of compliance screening. Even if they do have the necessary experience and training, export personnel may not have the support of senior management, who are often totally unaware of U.S. export regulations.
BIS has published a book, Don't Let This Happen to You, that outlines exporters' compliance responsibilities and includes real-life examples of penalties they have recently issued against individuals and businesses.
Businesses that are already exporting or are planning to start need to follow some basic steps to ensure they are compliant with U.S. export regulations. While the following six steps are by no means all inclusive, they should provide companies with a starting point for implementing an export compliance plan.
Most exporters are familiar with the Harmonized System (HS) or Schedule B codes used to classify products for duty, quota and statistical purposes. However, often exporters are less familiar with the requirement to determine whether their products are controlled for export by the Department of Commerce or the Department of State.
The Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) controls the export of most commercial products. While only a small percentage of exports under BIS's jurisdiction require an export license, it's a product's technical characteristics, the destination country, the end user and a product's end use that factor into this determination.
Products under State Department control and regulated by International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) are typically products or services specifically related to defense, including weaponry and military equipment, and are outside the scope of this article. To learn more, read Understanding ITAR: The International Traffic in Arms Regulations and The ITAR Compliance Checklist.
The first step for deciding whether or not a product requires an export license is determining if it has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) by checking the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR). If a product does have a five-character ECCN code, the EAR will also list one or more reasons why it is controlled. Companies use these reasons for control to determine if they need to apply for an export license based on the countries to which they are exporting (see step 2 below).
You can search for an ECCN code in a printed copy of the EAR or online at the BIS website. In addition, Shipping Solutions' Product Classification Software allows you to search for the correct ECCN code by typing in a short description of your products.
Products that do not have an ECCN code and are not subject to control by any other U.S. agency are designated EAR99. Products classified as EAR99 are low technology consumer goods and usually do not require an export license. However, even EAR99 items require licenses for exporting to embargoed countries, to a restricted party or in support of a prohibited end use.
There are several reasons the U.S. government prevents exports to certain countries without an export license. In the most extreme cases, the U.S. has placed embargoes on countries such as Iran for supporting terrorist activities. In other cases, the U.S. restricts companies and individuals from exporting certain products to specific countries for reasons of national security, nuclear nonproliferation, chemical and biological weapons, or several other reasons outlined in the EAR.
Companies must use the ECCN codes and reasons for control described in step 1 to determine whether there are restrictions for exporting their products to specific countries. Once they know why their products are controlled, exporters should refer to the Commerce Country Chart in the EAR to determine if a license is required.
Although a relatively small percentage of U.S. exports and re-exports require a BIS license, virtually all exports and many re-exports to embargoed destinations and countries designated as supporting terrorist activities require a license. These countries are Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria. Part 746 of the EAR describes embargoed destinations and refers to certain additional controls imposed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the Treasury Department.
Shipping Solutions Professional export documentation and compliance software includes an Export Compliance Module that will use the ECCN code for your product(s) and the destination country and tell you if an export license is required. If indicated, companies must apply to BIS for an export license through the online Simplified Network Application Process Redesign (SNAP-R) before they can export their products.
The U.S. government, as well as several other governments and organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union, publish lists of restricted parties to whom you can't export without a license. That includes items that are EAR99 or otherwise don't require an export license based on the country of export.
These restricted parties are individuals, businesses and other organizations that have been identified as engaging in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, known to be involved in terrorism or drug trafficking, or who have had their export privileges suspended. These individuals, businesses or organizations could be located within the U.S.
While there is no requirement that companies check every export against these various restricted party lists, it is a violation of export regulations to export to anyone on the U.S. lists. Even the smallest exporters should check all the parties in every export transaction against the various restricted party lists to prevent penalties.
Rather than manually checking each of the individual lists, the Shipping Solutions Professional software's Export Compliance Module allows you to quickly and easily check all the parties in your export transactions against a consolidated list of denied parties. The article International Trade Compliance Software: How It Works explains more about this software solution, along with the other Trade Compliance Software tools available to help exporters and importers.
Even products that seem harmless can sometimes be used in ways not intended. Companies are responsible for knowing how their products will be used once they leave the country. Some of these end uses are prohibited while others may require an export license. For example, companies may not export to certain entities involved in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (e.g., nuclear, biological, chemical) and the missiles to deliver them without specific authorization, no matter what the items are.
BIS publishes a list of red flags that may be indications that the use of a product may be prohibited. For example, companies should be reasonably suspicious of orders for items that are inconsistent with the needs of the purchaser, of a customer who declines installation and testing when included in the sales price or when normally requested, or of requests for equipment configurations that are incompatible with the stated destination. These orders could be violating U.S. export regulations.
BIS cites the example of a South African businessman who tried ordering several dozen replacement switches for a medical imaging machine. In this case, it's normal to order one replacement switch; it's not normal to order several dozen at one time. It turns out these switches were going to be used as detonators for nuclear bombs. If suspicion has been raised, a company should refrain from the transaction until an export license application has been submitted to and issued by BIS.
The export restrictions outlined in the EAR don't just apply to products being shipped outside the U.S. Companies are exporting technology when they share technical data, such as plans and blueprints of products, or when they allow a visual inspection of a product by foreign nationals within the U.S. This is called a deemed export and requires that companies follow the same procedures outlined in steps 1 through 4 above, as if they were physically shipping goods internationally. To learn more about software export compliance, see our article Staying Compliant When Exporting Software: 5 Tips.
When small and medium-sized businesses become aware of their legal obligations as exporters, often their first reaction is to try to avoid these responsibilities by hiring a freight forwarder or another party to handle their exports. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with outsourcing the export functions, companies must realize that they cannot outsource their liabilities.
Companies that hire third parties to manage their exports should require documentation showing that all export regulations are being followed, and they should retain copies of this documentation—as well as the actual export forms that must be generated for each shipment—onsite for at least five years. In case of an export compliance audit, you must be able to find all pertinent documents at a moment’s notice. This documentation can be used to demonstrate compliance with the EAR or, in case violations are found by the U.S. government, be used as evidence of a good-faith effort to comply, which could result in reduced penalties.
By the way, even companies that do all the right things sometimes encounter violations. Our article Export Compliance Self-Disclosure: When, How & Why You Should Do It offers tips for responding if you discover something. In some cases, self-reporting may eliminate or significantly reduce fines and penalties.
Companies of all sizes need to be aware of their responsibilities as exporters. This article focuses on some basic steps that all export companies and their personnel should know, follow and document. It should serve as a starting point for creating a more comprehensive and written export management and compliance plan.
For any plan to be effective, it must be endorsed by companies' top management and shared with all employees involved in any part of the export process—from managers, to sales and administrative personnel, to the warehouse team. Such an effort can save companies thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in fines, prevent restrictions on exporting that can cost companies millions of dollars in lost revenue and even jail time for the most serious violations.
An effective export compliance program includes ongoing training of all company personnel involved in the export process, including all management, sales and support staff. BIS occasionally holds seminars online or in a few locations across the U.S. In addition, companies such as International Business Training offer a variety of webinars and seminars on export rules and procedures.
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This article was first published in January 2014 and has been updated to include current information, links and formatting.