On: August 24, 2020     By: Catherine J. Petersen

Schedule B Codes: 6 vs. 10 Digits

While Schedule B codes used for U.S. exports are 10-digits long, only the first six digits are the same as in the country of import. Each country is allowed to add up to four additional digits to further delineate the product. So how many digits do I include on my commercial invoice?

On: August 19, 2020     By: David Noah

5 Potential Problems with Your Export License Application

If you've determined your products require an export license before you can ship them, you most likely need to apply through the Bureau of Industry and Security's (BIS) SNAP-R system. Make sure you avoid these five common errors that can delay your license and potentially get you in trouble.

On: August 3, 2020     By: Roy Becker

How Will I Get Paid for My Export?

When negotiating an international sale, one of the first questions you need to answer is: How will I get paid? In order to answer that question, you'll need to answer several more: When will I get paid—before or after delivery? What kind of guarantee do I get? In what currency will I be paid?

On: July 6, 2020     By: David Noah

Filing through AESDirect: 20 Terms Exporters Need to Know

Most export shipments to countries other than Canada require the exporter or the exporter's representative to file their electronic export information (EEI) through AESDirect located on the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) platform. To do it right, you need to understand the terminology.

On: July 1, 2020     By: Lisa Nemer

NAFTA Preference Criteria, Producer, and Net Cost

When completing the NAFTA Certificate of Origin, it's often columns 7, 8 and 9—Preference Criteria, Producer and Net Cost—that confuse people. But it's those columns that are really the meat of the form. They determine whether or not your goods deserve preferential duty treatment.

On: June 15, 2020     By: Arnesh Roy

BIS Eliminates License Exception CIV

The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has announced that license exception CIV is being eliminated. Exporters could use CIV to export certain controlled products to civilians, but BIS worries that line between civilian and military has been blurred in China, Russia and Venezuela.


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