On: December 17, 2020     By: David Noah

How to Choose the Right Customs Broker and Freight Forwarder

As you evaluate your current international trade operations and determine what is working and what needs to be improved, don’t forget to look at your partnerships with your customs broker, freight forwarder, and other logistics partners. We give you some tips about what you should look for.

On: December 16, 2020     By: David Noah

How to Use the Fillable Commercial Invoice for Exports

Download a free fillable commercial invoice. It is one of the most important documents you need to include with your export shipment. It’s required by customs and outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. Learn what needs to be included on your export invoice, and fill it out online.

On: December 14, 2020     By: Leslie Glick

How Section 301 Investigations and Tariffs Have Impacted Trade

Importers and exporters have become increasingly familiar with Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 due to its recent use to impose tariffs on Chinese goods. This statute has been used over the past 45 years to eliminate trade barriers with other countries and open markets to U.S. exports.

On: December 9, 2020     By: David Noah

What to Do When You Encounter Export Violations

Successful exporters understand U.S. export regulations and put training and procedures in place to make sure that everyone at their company follows the rules. But even the best companies sometimes encounter violations. What do they do then? They don't panic, and they follow these tips.

On: November 16, 2020     By: David Noah

Products Subject to U.S. Export Regulations

US export regulations control what you can ship to certain people, organizations and countries. These regulations have a broader reach than many people expect, and could apply to US-made goods in other countries or foreign-made goods in the United States. Here's what's controlled.

On: November 11, 2020     By: David Noah

Why Does Exporting Have to Be So Hard?

Here are five reasons exporting can be so much harder than domestic sales—(1) distance, (2) language and cultural barriers, (3) international trade terms, e.g. Incoterms 2020, (4) customs and country regulations, and (5) challenges getting paid—and resources and strategies for overcoming each.


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