On: October 18, 2023     By: Roberto Bergami

Import-Export Due Diligence: Measuring Business Regulations—Part 1

Learn how exporters and importers can leverage the World Bank's Doing Business report to measure risk and navigate the complexities of foreign markets. The report rates how difficult elements of doing business will be, including starting a business, obtaining permits and finding accurate credit information on trading partners.

On: October 16, 2023     By: Matthew Silverman

The Value of a Trade Compliance Champions Network

Learn about the benefits of a champions network for trade compliance and how to build one in your organization. We explain the benefits, DOJ recommendations and a practical, six-step blueprint to harness the influence of trusted peers to spread compliance policies, programs and initiatives.

On: October 11, 2023     By: Richard Corson

Export Opportunities in the Renewable Energy Sector

The renewable energy sector's exponential growth, fueled in part by AI innovations and EU commitments, opens doors for American exporters. From Europe's ambitious renewable energy goals to projects in Asia-Pacific and Africa, there are many opportunities available to U.S. companies willing to step into this competitive but lucrative market.

On: October 11, 2023     By: David Noah

A Deeper Look: BIS Signals New Enforcement Initiative for Antiboycott Compliance [Video]

In this episode of A Deeper Look, Alex Cotoia of Volkov Law talks more about his blog post, 'BIS Signals New Enforcement Initiative for Antiboycott Compliance—Pratt and Whitney Settles Antiboycott Violations.' Alex explains more about the recent uptick in enforcement actions from BIS and what companies need to do to ensure they're in compliance.

On: October 9, 2023     By: Roberto Bergami

Import-Export Due Diligence: Measuring Country Risk

Successful exporters and importers measure the risk of doing business with other countries. The Country Risk Assessment Model (CRAM) is one way to measure this risk. It considers several financial and economic factors, along with the likelihood of extraordinary events (war, civil disturbance, natural disasters) in its rating of countries around the world.

On: October 4, 2023     By: Kari Crane

International Trade Briefing: October 2023 [Video]

International Trade Briefing keeps you on top of the latest news and developments important to exporters and importers. The October edition covers efforts to evade Russia export controls, the uptick in antiboycott enforcement, a large percentage of tested U.S. garments are tied to Xinjiang cotton, the extension of Section 301 tariff exclusions and more.


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