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5 Reasons to Invest in Export Software—Reason 3: Improve Accuracy (video)

On: May 2, 2023    |    By: Arnesh Roy Arnesh Roy    |    1 min. read

5 Reasons to Invest in Export Documentation Software | Shipping SolutionsNothing slows down your export shipments, or worse yet, getting paid for your export shipments, more than mistakes on your documents.

Inconsistencies between documents, incorrect shipment payment terms, improper product classifications, or many other potential errors can occur when each of the export documents are created manually.

That's because you have to type the same information over and over again on all the form templates. The more you have to type, the higher the chance that you make a mistake. And with export documents, mistakes have consequences.

Fortunately, there's a better way.


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The more typing you do, the greater the chance of making an error on your export paperwork. Mistakes on your export forms can hold up your shipment, prevent you from getting paid on time, or get you in trouble with customs.

Shipping Solutions significantly cuts down the amount of typing you need to do, resulting in less errors and, in turn, less headaches for you and your customers.

More Information

Click here to see all five reasons you need to invest in export documentation software.

To learn more about how the Shipping Solutions export documentation software can help ensure the consistency of all your export forms, you can schedule a free online demo of the software or give us a call at (651) 905-1727.


Arnesh Roy

About the Author: Arnesh Roy

Arnesh Roy was a Senior Inside Sales Representative at Shipping Solutions.

Are you sure you’re using the right documents for your exports?

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