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5 Reasons to Invest in Export Software—Reason 1: Ensure Consistency (video)

On: February 28, 2023    |    By: Arnesh Roy Arnesh Roy    |    1 min. read

5 Reasons to Invest in Export Documentation Software | Shipping SolutionsExporting companies that do not have an export documentation and compliance software in place often have a rather haphazard procedure for creating their export documents.

They may use Word or Excel templates, which entails typing the same data over and over and doing a lot of copying and pasting. Or they may have a specific software program for each of the export forms they need to create. This makes for a rather disorganized, inconsistent and potentially unreliable process.

Companies that use a single program for all their export forms ensure consistency between each of the documents, between each of the export shipments, and between each area of the company.

Let me explain:


Transcript of Video

I recently spoke with someone from a company that used an accounting software to create their packing lists, another software to produce bills of lading, and yet another software to create commercial invoices.

They used templates found online for other documents like certificates of origin, and they relied on their freight forwarders to supply shipper’s letters of instruction, which they then filled out by hand.

Imagine instead that you have one software program to produce all of your export paperwork.

This is the reality for Shipping Solutions users, who rely on one program to create all their export documents, stay compliant with export regulations, and standardize their export procedures.

More Information

Click here to see all five reasons you need to invest in export documentation software.

To learn more about how the Shipping Solutions export documentation software can help ensure the consistency of all your export forms, you can schedule a free online demo of the software or give us a call at (651) 905-1727.


Arnesh Roy

About the Author: Arnesh Roy

Arnesh Roy was a Senior Inside Sales Representative at Shipping Solutions.

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