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Form BIS-711

Get a fillable PDF version of Form BIS-711 (Statement By Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser) that you can use for your export shipment.

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What is Form BIS-711?


Form BIS-711, also known as the Statement By Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser, provides information on the foreign importer who will be receiving your exported goods and how the goods will be utilized. It provides assurances from the importer that the goods will not be misused, transferred or reexported in violation of U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR).
The statement says,
We certify that all of the facts contained in this statement are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and we do not know of any additional facts which are inconsistent with the above statement. We shall promptly send a supplemental statement to the U.S. Exporter, disclosing any change of facts or intentions set forth in this statement which occurs after the statement has been prepared and forwarded, except as specifically authorized by the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730-774), or by prior written approval of the Bureau of Industry and Security, we will not reexport, resell, or otherwise dispose of any items approved on a license supported by this statement (1) to any country not approved for export as brought to our attention by means of a bill of lading, commercial invoice, or any other means, or (2) to any person if we know that it will result directly or indirectly, in disposition of the items contrary to the representations made in this statement or contrary to Export Administration Regulations.
While not required for all shipments, the Office of Export Enforcement, which is part of the Bureau of Industry and Security, highly encourages exporters to get their international customers to complete Form BIS-711. Doing so helps ensure your goods won’t get diverted, demonstrates that your company is doing its due diligence, and helps you obtain any required export licenses.
A Form BIS-711 should include the following information supplied by the purchaser and ultimate consignee:
  • The name(s) and contact information for the ultimate consignee, importer and producer of the goods.
  • A certification of the goods.
  • The nature of business of the ultimate consignee (and any additional relevant information).
  • The purchaser’s name and contact information.

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